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How to Get Started with Digital PR

How to Get Started with Digital PR

​The digital revolution has swept across the media landscape, forever changing how brands interact with consumers. The new world of PR presents unique challenges but also an opportunity to provide brands and companies with more consumer engagement than ever before. There has never been a better time to expand your digital PR efforts.

What Does The Future of PR Look Like?

What Does The Future of PR Look Like?

​According to a recent study by Mynewsdesk, more than 85% of PR professionals expect technology to play an increasing role in the industry over the next five years. The majority of people working in PR think their jobs will become more strategic and more analytical over the next few years, reflecting the growing role that tech plays in making PR into a more quantified and data-driven endeavour.

4 ​Technology Trends That Will Transform PR & Comms in 2017

4 ​Technology Trends That Will Transform PR & Comms in 2017

Technology is essential to the implementation of any modern PR strategy. More than 85 percent of PR professionals expect their focus on technology to increase significantly over the next five years, which demonstrates just how vital it is to stay up to date with the latest trends. Here are four technology trends that are set to transform PR and communications in 2017.

Inspiring Women In PR & Comms

Inspiring Women In PR & Comms

During my two and a bit years here at Mynewsdesk, I've had the honour of working alongside and in collaboration with some of the industry's most brilliant women - each of them inspiring me and teaching us all something new. But despite the sheer volume of smart and successful women in PR, still we see male dominated panels, hosts and keynotes. And that, to say the least, is pretty frustrating.

5 Valentine's Day Campaigns We Heart

5 Valentine's Day Campaigns We Heart

Valentine’s day. You know the deal: discounted chocolates, set meals for two and roses... everywhere! New year, same old story. But we’re Mynewsdesk and we like different. We like those who think outside the box when it comes to capturing the hearts of audiences. So without further ado, here are the best of the 2017 Valentine’s Day bunch...

What Tools Are PR Professionals Using In 2017?

What Tools Are PR Professionals Using In 2017?

You can have the best digital PR strategy ever – it ties to business objectives, clearly outlines your goals and sets measurable benchmarks. But if you don’t have the right technology to implement it, the strategy is worthless.

How To Choose The Right PR Tools For Your Business Goals

How To Choose The Right PR Tools For Your Business Goals

Mastering one technology is a challenge, particularly given their ever-changing nature. But becoming proficient with many technology tools is near impossible, even if you devote all your time to learning them! Let’s have a look at this simple 5-step formula to pick the tech tool that is right for you.

Inspiring Ways Brands Used Newsrooms In 2016

Inspiring Ways Brands Used Newsrooms In 2016

2016 - not really a year we want to dwell on - but looking back at the content you created in your newsrooms was pretty flippin' inspiring. From perfectly timed blogs to shareable listicles and opinion pieces to jam-packed press releases, there's a lot to be learnt from you all. We picked out a few of our favourites and why they did so well. Here we go...

Trello's 5 Step Guide To Content Planning & Creation [Guest Blog]

Trello's 5 Step Guide To Content Planning & Creation [Guest Blog]

Creating valuable content on a regular basis is not only difficult, it's also time consuming. To come up with ideas, meet strict deadlines and ensure that the post stands out from the rest requires organisation, communication and the ability to keep track of your progress. This 5-step guide from Trello's Marketing Manager - Jordan Mirchev - will help you plan and execute your next content project

Are You Ready for the PR Revolution?

Are You Ready for the PR Revolution?

Do you want to be more effective in your digital PR efforts? You’re not alone. Only 36% of practitioners say their efforts in digital PR are effective, according to the findings of the recently released state of digital PR survey - a global initiative conducted by Mynewsdesk in cooperation with Berghs School of Communication.

16 Practical Tips on Preparing for & Handling a Crisis [Guest Blog]

16 Practical Tips on Preparing for & Handling a Crisis [Guest Blog]

​The first thing to do when preparing for a crisis that might hit you is to decide what that crisis might look like. We normally define a crisis as being something that materially impacts your reputation, sales, value or share price. It will probably start in the real world, but news of it will spread online and over social media at a speed you can’t control. Polpeo share their top tips.

7 Steps To An Effective Digital PR Strategy

7 Steps To An Effective Digital PR Strategy

Don’t be overwhelmed at the thought of creating an effective digital PR strategy. Start small: it doesn’t need to tackle every possible opportunity at your company. If you make it realistic and manageable, you’re more likely to achieve success on which to build and grow the strategy.

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Mynewsdesk - The smart way to improve awareness and relations

Mynewsdesk helps companies create awareness, find the right audience and build strong relationships.

By providing a user-friendly online solution, Mynewsdesk simplifies and streamlines the publishing, distribution and measuring of your PR and communication efforts. All in one digital place. By consolidating all aspects of PR in one platform, brand and media monitoring is also made easy, helping companies track their engagement over time .

Mynewsdesk has 1.6 million unique visitors monthly and publishes 80,000 news stories per year. Over 4,000 companies across the globe trust Mynewsdesk’s platform to improve their PR efforts and 70% gain media uptake on their news.

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