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How are changes in digital PR affecting your job?

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How are changes in digital PR affecting your job?

Mynewsdesk and CorpComms Magazine have joined forces to uncover the biggest challenges communicators face when working in the rapidly evolving world of digital PR. 

By surveying a diverse range of in-house comms people we aim to define the current state of play in PR and provide you with a clearer picture of what lies ahead.

We want to hear how your role has changed and how you're dealing with such challenges as the increasing demand for multimedia content and the ever-growing number of social media channels.

Make your voice heard... 

All you have to do is fill out our quick Digital PR Challenge survey.

Need a little more incentive?

If you take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey then you could be in with the chance of winning your own iPad mini with retina display.  

So what are you waiting for? Click here to give your views on The Digital PR Challenge.




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Mynewsdesk - The smart way to improve awareness and relations

Mynewsdesk helps companies create awareness, find the right audience and build strong relationships.

By providing a user-friendly online solution, Mynewsdesk simplifies and streamlines the publishing, distribution and measuring of your PR and communication efforts. All in one digital place. By consolidating all aspects of PR in one platform, brand and media monitoring is also made easy, helping companies track their engagement over time .

Mynewsdesk has 1.6 million unique visitors monthly and publishes 80,000 news stories per year. Over 4,000 companies across the globe trust Mynewsdesk’s platform to improve their PR efforts and 70% gain media uptake on their news.

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